Lishui gymnasium complete curtain wall keel installation
Source:  Date:2015-06-03 14:21:59  Author:

Report from our correspondent (reporter Feng Bao) as of the end of April, by triumpher steel construction, the construction of the Lishui stadium project completed a task node, curtain wall keel installed.

Curtain wall keel for the use of rectangular steel tube is made, from the outside of the stadium on the whole, the outer wall of the steel grid structure form a bowl, glass curtain wall embedded rhombus grid and fit. Within each diamond grid, the curtain wall is divided into 9 small lattices.. Due to the outer wall of the bowl in the shape change of arc, each lozenge curtain wall keel sharing become certain bending angle of the two triangles and bottom to each layer of the folded angle are different, while the cross cutting layers of the keel in appearance but also to maintain continuous lines of change, thus greatly increasing the difficulty in the installation of the keel. Project department technical staff and construction team closely and carefully measured every grid detailed dimensions, in based on the analysis of statistical data to make further detail, first in fetal frame accurate well samples passing the test equipment and batch processing, installation, and ultimately ensure the smooth construction of the curtain wall keel.

May, Lishui gymnasium will start the construction of the roof cable tension.

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