Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Xiaoshan Branch Feng Steel space structure. Industrial Park to carry out the
Source:  Date:2015-04-22 08:55:59  Author:

In March 30th, the tide peaks Steel Group invited to ICBC Xiaoshan branch to the spatial structure of "Industrial Park held bank and matchmaking," finance and financial products for enterprises,enterprises in the park have the matchmaking.

The spatial structure of Xiaoshan science and Technology Industrial Park investment situation is good, we have settled in the enterprise, in order to give the enterprises in the park to provide betterfinancial services, help to broaden the financing channels, Chaofeng Steel Group invited the ICBC Xiaoshan branch to "Park held bank and matchmaking," actively solve the problem facing the enterprises financing risk is high, the high cost of financing the financing channel is not smooth,etc..

The meeting on behalf of the enterprises in the park and bank staff conducted a consultation, the bank will continue to solve encountered in the financing of enterprises in the park, through this activity, enterprises in the park will get more preferential financing policy, have a wider range offinancing platform.

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